Gibberellic Acid 0.001% L


Grid is a formulation of the Plant Hormone Gibberellic Acid along with naturally occurring plant nutrients.

Technical Name: Gibberellic Acid 0.001% L

Mode of action: Gibberellins (GAs) are plant hormones that regulate various developmental processes, including stem elongation, germination, dormancy, flowering, flower development, and leaf and fruit senescence.

Features and Benefits:

  • Grid is an excellent plant growth regulator.
  • Grid enhances the process of photosynthesis in plants.
  • Grid reduces the problem of flower and fruit drop plants.
  • Grid increases the yield and quality of Crop.

Packing available: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 L


CropDose (ml/acre)Dilution in water (L/acre)Time of application
Paddy      72180-200Short duration varieties 20- 25DAT Medium duration varieties 30- 35 DAT Long duration varieties 40-45 DAT
Sugarcane      72180-200First spray 40-45 DAP
(Planted Crop)      72180-200Second spray 70-80 DAS
Cotton      72180-200First spray 40-45 DAP
Second spray: At the time of ball formation
Groundnut      72180-200First spray at flowering (30-35 DAS)
Second spray at the time of peg formation
Banana     108180-200First spray 3rd month
Second spray 5th month Third spray at the time of fruit formation
Tomato/ Potato/ Cabbage/Cauliflower      72180-200First spray 45 DAS
Second spray 65 DAS
Grapes      72180-200First spray 30-35 Days after pruning
Second during the match head stage
Brinjal, Bhindi     180180-200First spray 34 DAP
Second spray 70 DAP
Third spray 105 DAP
Tea     108180-200Five spray at monthly interval.